
getting ready to drink the kool-aid

most everyone who browses the chessblogs knows about michael de la maza, his book, rapid chess improvement, and his articles "400 points in 400 days", parts one and two.. there is a legion of disciples and devotees who have followed and implemented his program in part or in whole, or some sort of variant which seems to be inspired by this method.. those that have influenced me in my decision to implement some sort of program are chessforblood, j'adoube, bluedevilknight, temposchlucker, nezha, and a recent addition to the fray, GM-grandemerda.. interesting with GM-grandemerda is that he is from brasil.. while i am cuban-american, i live not to far from him, about 12 hours away, we both live in the northeast of brasil, albeit different states.. there are more "knights errant" around the web, but those that i mention are the ones i visit and see updated on a regular basis, if i missed someone i apologize.. heres the program i have fashioned.. i plan to do the chessvision drills described in part one, the concentric-capture drill and the knight moves for a month.. at the same time i will do a "mini" part two.. i will be using bruce pandolfini's "chessercises" which contains 200 drills, in various tactics, mates, pins, skewers, etc, and i use the example in the article using a 8-4-2-1 cycle, 25 exercises in 8 days, then 50 in 4, 100 in 2, and finally all 200 in one day.. at this point i feel i would be better prepared to start the "full" version of the program with the 1000 exercises recommended in the article..i'd like to give a big shout out and thanks to patrick of chessforblood which provided the link where i found the tactics exercises.. this site here provides 3000 drills.. for my foray into this program i decided on the easy levels I, II, and III, medium I, II, III, IV, V, hard I, and advanced I.. i will be balancing work (general manager of a soccer team and and the junior teams), family, and chess into this mix, and as most of those who started this program can attest its not an easy climb.. i will pass along how my progress is going..


GM- Grande Merda said...

pawntorook, I just added your blog to my sidebar. Welcome to the knights errant!

I guess it would be better for us to speak in english, so that the other knights can understand what we are talking about, otherwise the wouldn't understand a thing about our comments in portuguese :). If you want to talk me in portuguese, please e-mail me at leossa at gmail. I think only you are capable to understand the ssa part of my e-mail :).

Blue Devil Knight said...

Welcome to the world of insane chess! :)